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Benefits of Exercise on Mental Health

Benefits of Exercise on Mental Health

Think of the word exercise and make a list of the imagery it elicits in mind. For most people, it would be strenuous, body aches, showers of perspiration, out of breath, and lastly, it seems like a never-ending task. Overindulgence in gadgets and a lifestyle replete with comforts has reduced the body's endurance to physical activity. Recall your childhood, when you would hit stores several times running, or you would play outdoor; contrary to this, life is getting online now. To add on a nostalgic tone, people were way happier then. Lack of physical activity has deprived modern man of those pleasures. The benefits of exercise for mental health are astounding.

Mental Health Issue! No Issue

People with anxious minds are vulnerable to the havoc of a sedentary lifestyle. Apart from struggling with mental illnesses, they are in the red zone for developing threatening conditions owing to chronic use of medications. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you are lucky to have a calm mind, you will find ways to motivate yourself with exercise. But, it is difficult to do for an anxious mind. The following discussion could help you have a knack for exercise.

An Effective Tool for Lifestyle Modification

Modifying your lifestyle is the best approach for mental challenges. It offers minimal health risk. Exercise is significant for adopting a healthy lifestyle. The exercise is not meant to be boring; rather, choose a fun, cool activity like swimming, dancing, jogging with friends, outdoor cycling, skating, or skiing. Aerobics is amazing for reducing anxiety and depression. Exercise boozes your brain with happiness hormones like serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals naturally make you feel good about yourself and your surroundings that could bother you otherwise.

The Science behind Exercise and Mental Health

Need some science-backed facts! Here you are. Hippocampus is a brain region significant for learning and memory. The area could be problematic for people struggling with mental challenges. Exercise influences the release of a special protein called BDNF, a brain-derived neurotrophic factor. The brain-booster protein triggers the growth of brain cells in the hippocampus. The phenomenon could help in dealing with anxiety, depression, or even schizophrenia.

Exercise; a Tool for Social Interaction

Exercise is a perfect way to improve a person’s ability to interact in a social setting. Anxiety and depression make the sufferers obsessed with everything that bothers them. As a consequence, they are unable to handle social interactions leading them to social withdrawal. Exercise offers you an opportunity to communicate with like-minded fellows and introduces the practice of freeing your mind from haunting thoughts.

Improves Self-Esteem

Exercise works at various levels to improve self-esteem. It improves your cognitive function and mental alertness. Also, it improves your mood to feel more confident while interacting with others. Accomplishing small targets results in deep fulfillment. Weight gain is another problem in people with schizophrenia. Exercise improves fitness and endurance and maintains a healthy weight.

Here are a few more areas where exercise proves its close ties with mental health.

· Maintaining cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol

· Improvement in sleep habits

· Relieving stress

· Improved energy

· Ability to concentrate and focus

· Coordination in body movements

· Improving sex life

· Engages mind


Exercise exerts lingering therapeutic impacts on the brain, especially in people fighting depression, anxiety, and stress. The treatments for mental health are expensive and need much persistence. Exercise costs nothing. You do not need to exhaust your body; less is more provided done regularly.

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